- Set the tone.
- Get the feelings.
- Get the facts.
- Ask for help.
- Get commitment.
- Follow up
Set the tone
- Be cordial and non-threatening.
- Avoid abrupt statements.
2. Get the feelings
- Allow employees to “talk” through their feeling.
- Don’t interrupt,seek clarification.
- Avoid approval or disapproval.
- Don’t question, explore, criticize, interpret, convince, or sympathize.
- Use statements to “reflect” feelings
- Don’t become emotional be neutral
3. Get the facts
- Actively listen.
- Read nonverbal clues.
- Depersonalize the conflict.
- Save your comments until you have all the facts.
- Avoid “ you “ statements: could, should, etc..
4. Ask for help
- Encourage employees to work out their own solution.
- Don’t “tell” employees how to resolve the conflict.
- Get participation and commitment.
- Explore consequences of their proposed solutions.
5. Get commitment
- Ask directly for their commitments to work the solution.
- Help put their plan in writing.
- what is to be done?
- Who will do it?
- When will they do it?
- What help will be needed?
6. Follow up
- It’s the manger’s ( not the employees’) responsibility to follow up.
- Schedule a follow up meeting to check if the solution is working.