
Saturday, May 9, 2015


Focus is important to manage the scarcest resource in the world which is time that unless it’s probably managed nothing else could be managed.

There are two types of focus:
FOCUS AS A NOUN: Is just something you have
Is a central point, as of attention or activity.
It is a static thing
Usually mean having a single goal.
E.g.  John F. Kennedy challenges NASA put a man on the moon within a decade or, coming back to Bill Gates, a vision of a personal computer on every desk.
The upside to this kind of focus is clear and compelling.
You pursue a single objective and don’t get distracted along the way; you build momentum as many different people aligned behind achieving this one goal.
The dark side to focus as a noun.
Kodak was so focused on optimizing for traditional film capture and processing that they did not see or accept the transformation in their industry.
Then they found themselves caught off guard by the disruptive innovation of digital cameras.

FOCUS AS A VERB: Is also something you do
Directing one's attention on something
It is an intense, dynamic, ongoing, iterative process. 
Dwight D. Eisenhower statement,
 “Focus is nothing, focusing is everything?”
Professor Henry Mintzberg taught that there are two sources of strategy:
A-Deliberate strategy, where leaders develop a clear vision and map this too long, medium and short term goals (focus as a noun) and

B-Emergent strategy, where people respond to unanticipated problems and opportunities (focus as a verb
